Statement on first anniversary of Ken Kronberg's suicide (with text of an abusive Nov. 22, 2004 memo from LaRouche that was found on Ken's nightstand)

By "Eaglebeak"
(Factnet posting, 04-11-2008, 06:36 AM)

Today is the first anniversary of Ken Kronberg's death.

At about 10:30 on the morning of Wednesday, April 11, 2007, Ken left his office at PMR/WorldComp in Sterling, Virginia, got into his 1996 Toyota Corolla, drove from PMR to the Dulles Postal Facility to mail some family bills, then drove back towards PMR on Waxpool Road and, at the point where Waxpool Road is an overpass over Rte 28, pulled his car off on the right shoulder, leaving the blinkers on, walked to the railing of the overpass, and jumped.

When the police came, they found on the passenger seat of the car a piece of PMR stationery onto which he had stapled his PMR business card.

That directed the police to PMR--just a mile or two away. At PMR, in the middle of his desk, they found a piece of WorldComp notepad paper on which he had written his wife's first name and work numbers.

Also on his desk was the small brown-paper bag in which he had brought his lunch from home that day--a sandwich and some apricots. That is, when Ken left the house that morning, he did not intend to kill himself.

A day or so ago I reposted the April 11, 2007 Morning Briefing [click here for the original posting--DK], the Lyndon LaRouche/Tony Papert production which Ken read within the hour before his death.

That--reading that briefing--was the added factor that intervened, between the time Ken left the house (which was about 9:00 that morning, I am told) and the time he jumped.

Over the year since Ken's death, readers of Factnet have seen posted here a number of things suggesting how Lyndon LaRouche hounded Ken to death, with a constant barrage of attacks on Ken as a money-grubbing slickster, responsible for bankrupting the organization.

Readers have seen the November 2005 NC conference call (which Ken was on), and which was printed in the briefing, in which Lyn blames PMR for bankrupting the organization.

They have seen transcripts from the May 28, 2006 European Executive Committee meeting with Lyn, where he attacks PMR (and Ed Spannaus), among others.

They have read Lyn's large number of vituperative attacks on PMR (=Ken) and Molly since Ken's death--even in the April 2, 2008 Morning Briefing I recently posted, where Lyn is at it again, saying "Editorial, publications," to mean Ken ("publications," printing) and Molly ("Editorial").

More recently, readers have read Lyn's ignorant rantings about the "East Coast Shakespeare productions" (Ken's) that made him (Lyn) "sick"--although Lyn never saw a one of them, and neither did his informant, Tony Papert.

You have read how Lyn banned East Coast Shakespeare productions.

However, you may not realize just how far back Lyn's animus against Ken goes. (All the way back to the loss of Ibykus Farm, one of the reasons Lyn hates Uwe Friesecke, Fernando Quijano, Linda Frommer, Ken, and yes, even you, Lonnie.)

So today, on the first anniversary of Ken's death, I am posting a 2004 "mail message" from Lyn to Ken.

The date on the mail message is Nov. 22, 2004.

After Ken's death, a printout of this mail message was found on his nightstand--where, according to Molly, it had been for the preceding two and one-half years.

Let's be very, very clear who drove Ken Kronberg to his death: the hate-filled Squire of Windy Hill, the Leader of the LYM, the Greatest Mind in History, who has presided over 40 years of Sturm und Drang, raising and squandering hundreds of millions, to arrive today at a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. In case you missed it, I'm talking about Lyndon LaRouche.

Tony Papert, on the other hand, has all the ontological significance of a recording device.

Here's the message (I added the "sics"):

22 NOV 2004 22:59:62

From: PGM::IF_
Subj: LaR msg to Ken

FROM:LAR "Lyndon H. LaRouche, Jr."
November 22, 2004 (9:31 pm) EST

As I have indicated, I am working at top speed and long hours on my principal responsibility, work which, among other things, will decide whether or not your business continues to exist much longer. Look back to the days of the Gus and Andy Show, and the repetition of that same kind of insanity in trans-Atlantic management during the time I was either imprisoned, or under restraint which prevented me from managing any aspect of business affairs. During both periods, the prevalent doctrine of mis-management was centered upon the delusion, that the secret of the survival of out (sic) political association would be "the businesses." Over the decade 1989-2000, this trend in thinking and practice deteriorated (partly as a result of allowing the organization to be controlled in a large degree by prevalent, Uriah Heep-like submission to the openly anti-Semitic fascist (actually Francoist Nazi) Fernando Quijano and accomplices of his such as finance faker Linda de Hoyos.)

That insanity entered a clearly terminal phase during 1997-1998, under the influence of an aggravated bit of insanity expressed in such variants on an Enron mentality as the Winstar psychosis and the un-Wise gamble by PMR, which wrecked us to a degree from which we have not yet fully recovered to the present day. Had I not become freed to exercise a limited, but increased role in management, beginning mid-2000, the entire international associations, businesses and all, would have vanished by about 2001, certainly long before now. Nonetheless, the legacy of the delusion that "it is the businesses than (sic) ensure our survival," persists, a delusion widespread still among all but a tiny fraction of even own (sic) leaders, from that "Baby Boomer" generation, under sixty-three years of age, which is psycho-sexually disabled, almost to a man or woman alike, when it comes to matters of real business matters. The mismanagement mess, including that psychopathological sinkhole of personal "comfort zone" sophistries, with which I am dealing here, is a both a product of the effects of that over past decades.

The source of the generation of all the potential net income actually earned by any part of a combination of business and other entities involved is my kind of politics, nothing else. The challenge is to ensure that that is the politics which controls our association's policies, and that that kind of politics is controlling over what we do which has direct, or direct economy impact on our association as a whole. With these kinds of captains and generals, no commander and chief (sic) would ever share the responsibility for policy-shaping under conditions of warfare, and we are, presently, indeed, at war.

The world has now entered the greatest depression you have ever imagined. Under these circumstances, your firm has, technically, no technical right to live, except it has a crucial margin of income which it earns by performing relevant kinds of essential services for what I am doing politically, that in my political way. The success of what I do, and the priorities I emphasize to that end, are the only existing road to survival. Unless I can force an expansion of our specifically political, "non-business" outreach, there is no hope for your firm.

That is not done by selling literature, or the like: it is by delivering ideas which are widely needed by most of the population, but available from virtually no other source, the kind of ideas I produce, not mere subscriptions to publications with "interesting content." It is the political equivalent of scientific creativity, not selling product, which is the root of any possible success in this matter, under present conditions.

I am assuming leadership responsibilities for getting through increasingly dangerous rapids, which virtually all of my associates but very few, including you, are incompetent, intellectually and emotionally to judge. This is not simply internal management; it is political strategy, to which management must be always fully subordinated.

I am loaded to the hilt, not merely with routine, but to supply the kind of thinking which virtually no one I know here, or aboard, can match. I must conserve my energies and keep a clear head.

Follow the lead, and learn to keep your nose clean, as you have not always done so in the past. What has to be done, will be done, and I now have an inner team which is capable of doing that about as well as anyone might expect. Rely on cooperation with that team; you need their counsel, urgently.


Comment: In a follow-up posting, I will unpack the meaning of the above message.--EB