"And they pushed her tearfully into the car, and into the clinic, and they signed her consent forms, and they had her child vacuumed out of her."

(Posted on Factnet, April 27, 2004 - 9:17 am)

This is what makes me feel better whenever I think that I might have been wrong about LaRouche...Sometimes, I stand on my front porch and I think, "Maybe he's right. Maybe those kids are going to do something great. And I block out all the fraud, and the wild theories, and the egomania. I almost become a LaRouchie again--but then I feel a tugging at my shirt. And I look down and it's the little boy...

A friend of mine in the cult was pregnant about five years ago. When I got in, she and I became fast friends. We were together a lot, and though people accused us of having sex, we mainly just talked a lot--and we would drive, and every time we drove somewhere she would always talk of just never turning around.

Many nights she would mention her pregnancy, and one day, drinking some wine, she told me the story of being worked on for hours about having an abortion, yelled at that she was being a baby, told she would have to make a "sacrifice" to be a "world-historic person" and keep fighting the "oligarchy." And they pushed her tearfully into the car, and into the clinic, and they signed her consent forms, and they had her child vacuumed out of her.

And she still cries about it to this day.

And sells her eggs for extra money.

And so when I think maybe I was wrong about LaRouche, I think about that little boy who should be alive right now with a mother and father who love him. And I think of how I learned in the LaRouche cult that every human mind has the power to know God and do the greatest good, and how having minds vacuumed out of young women (which LaRouche has been doing for years, this is not a lone incident) is diametrically opposed to that.

I think about the pale blue eyes from a four-year-old who doesn't exist and the whole thing falls like a house of cards.

And the fraud becomes real.

And the egomania is obvious.

And the lies are clear.

And if it walks like a cult, and looks like a cult, and is full of quacks like a cult, it's probably a cult.

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Read more about enforced abortions in the LaRouche movement here.