"EIR Talks" Interviews Lyndon LaRouche

April 27, 1995 (Interviewer: Mel Klenetsky)

MEL KLENETSKY: Welcome to "EIR Talks." I'm Mel Klenetsky; we're on the line with Lyndon LaRouche from Germany.

How are you today, Mr. LaRouche?

LYNDON LAROUCHE: Well, a little bit underdeployed and overdeployed. I have a quite heavy schedule, and not getting all the things done I should get done.

[Klenetsky proceeds to ask LaRouche about a variety of issues, beginning with the Oklahoma City bombing. Below, I present only the portion of the transcript that appears under the subhead entitled "How the Bush League Crowd Threatens Ibero-America."--DK]

Q: The Attorney General of Colombia, [Alfonso] Valdivieso, has called for an investigation [into drug cartel-related corruption], several have been incarcerated, including nine congressmen from the ruling party, and this includes the president of the House of Representatives, it includes the Comptroller-General of the country. The warrants and investigation were made based upon the accusations that these people are on the Cali Drug Cartel payroll.

How do you see this? I know you've been following the drug situation very close over the years, and have played somewhat of a major role in exposing some of these cartels.

LYNDON LAROUCHE: Well, this is kind of easy, in a sense. Go back a few years. Now, if you go back to 1983 on, dear old Georgy-Porgy Bush, then the President of Vice of the United States, operating under National Security Decision Directives No. 2 and No. 3 from a special position in the National Security Council, running an aperture out of the back hole of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, together with stooges such as Oliver North, were running drugs and weapons all over the world. And they were playing games with the Colombian cartels. In the end, they preferred the Cali Cartel to the other [Medellin] Cartel.

As a result of these policies [from the United States,] from George Bush's friends' influence in U.S. policy, the anti-drug policy of the Colombian government was undermined. The industry of Colombia was undermined, the economy of Colombia was undermined. And drugs became more and more powerful. They were called, politely, ``hot money.'' So whether the drug lords themselves did or did not move the money through, directly into the hands of the politicians, the hot money in Colombia was all based on drug money; so directly or indirectly, nearly everybody in Colombia who is in politics, depended upon hot money, which meant, indirectly, drug money, which meant a deal with George Bush and his friends for their existence. And that's what explains the politics in Colombia.

Now today, you have a situation in which everybody in Central and South America is alerted to the use, by Fidel Castro's friends in Germany and France and elsewhere, of a bunch of terrorists who are called the EZLN, in Chiapas province of Mexico, who are engaged in the process of attempting to destroy Mexico.

The group behind this, is twofold. First of all, the group has cooperation with a U.S.-connected organization called the Inter-American Dialogue, which is the pro-drug lobby without which George Bush's drug trafficking (and Ollie North's) in Central America would not have worked too well. Another group is the Sao Paulo Forum, of which the old synarchist, Fidel Castro, is the head. Now Fidel Castro's crowd is trying to destabilize every country in South America, as well as Central America; and the Mexican example is prominent in the eyes of everybody who's paying attention to what's going on.

So these guys, in Colombia and elsewhere, realize that they are in a situation of vulnerability, and know that the danger comes from Fidel Castro's friends, who are the same as George Bush's friends; kind of ironical, because George Bush's old buddy, or his neighbor, Paul de Menil, the husband of Monique Schlumberger de Menil, was the guy who funded Castro's landing in Cuba. He paid for the boat, the Granma, as well as other things. And he was very dirty, while he was still alive.

So this Castro threat, or Castro/Inter-American Dialogue, etc., coordinated threat, with support from places in Germany, from certain church circles in Germany, for example, and France, and elsewhere, is a major threat to every nation in South America.

Therefore, patriots in Colombia, looking at the political-historical clock, say the time has come: Either it's them or it's us. And therefore, actions are being taken, on a minimal level, with some encouragement from some circles in the United States, to clean the mess up and to neutralize the power fo the drug lords and their agents, in controlling the internal politics of countries such as Colombia. Because if they don't, the countries are doomed.

Click here for the full transcript of the interview.