How to construct a conspiracy theory about your enemies in one easy lesson:

Lyndon LaRouche's 'Six Degrees' Method

"When the party is over with a person or group, then you can use the six degrees of separation principal to show how they were part of an all-encompassing evil conspiracy since the time the first primitive humans took a baby step."

Factnet posting by "xlcr4life," June 20, 2004 - 9:36 am:

Here is how it works. You take any person or historical fact. You then in six or less connections connect it to your present fill-in-the-blank enemy. So in 1974, you could connect David Rockefeller in six or less steps to drug runnning, genocide, rock music, economic collapse, gays, depression, etc.

In the late 70's and the 80's you did this with the British. Early 1980's, you had the Russian Orthodox Church. You can take any person like Kissinger, the Queen, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, Dick Cheney, etc.

If you read the Children of Satan excerpts, you will see how it works. Decades after leaving, I can read the gibberish and fully understand the vernacular.

The Six Degrees of LHL also works in reverse. When the cult is on a Catholic kick, everything that is good can be traced to the Church in less than six degrees: Plato, Aristotle, Babylon, the Oligarchy, the Venetians, the Knights of Malta...I can go on and on.

When the party is over with a person or group, then you can use the six degrees of separation principal to show how they were part of an all-encompassing evil conspiracy since the time the first primitive humans took a baby step.

Now this works on the members because you have so isolated them from reality via the control of their lives, that the axioms work. What most members find out after leaving is that there are numerous charitable, artistic and political organizations [demonized by LaRouche] that do tremendous work. When you have complete control over a person's life, you can name an individual as an evil person knowing that almost everyone in the group has never heard, read or seen the person's work or life.

This is so ingrained in present LHL dead-enders that you cannot invite them to family parties or see them maintain a casual relationship with other human beings. Time after time you take a dead-ender and place them in a social situation and they cannot resist beginning the six degrees of LHL principal on anything. That is why it sometimes takes an ex-member a few years to unwind and become a social, well-adjusted person. If the ex-member had a connection to an outside job or family, then the decompression comes much faster.

Every minute that Jeremiah Duggan gave money, attended meetings, manned an LHL card table shrine, he was a "Golden Soul" in LHL-speak. The minute he questioned the reality and died, the six degrees were unleashed to show what an agent, drug-using mental case, longterm agent provocateur, Dick Cheney/Queen of England insider he was. When you speak the language, it is easy to understand the tribe's customs.

Ladies and gentlemen, that is the LaRouche method.