LaRouche the logician explains quite clearly how "logical fallacies" based on an "imaginary logical loop" can take control of some "human-rat" like trapped in a mental maze, a labyrinth...forever.
--An ex-follower of LaRouche

Posting by ex-LCer "Shadok" on FactNet's LaRouche message board, Sun., July 29, 2007, 12:22 PM

Speaking of rats and mazes...

It [a LaRouche internal memo previously posted] reminds me of an internal memo Lyn wrote nearly a quarter century ago: "RIGOR: METHOD OR MORTIS."

It's all about so-called "latticework" and "formal fallacies"...

LaRouche the logician explains quite clearly how "logical fallacies" based on an "imaginary logical loop" can take control of some "human-rat" like trapped in a mental maze, a labyrinth...forever.

This maze is, in fact, Lyndon LaRouche's world...but the rat-man is not capable of realizing that, [or] so LaRouche hopes.

Here is what he wrote:

"Ask yourself what occurs to the mind of a victim, if that human individual is subjected to a very intensive equivalent of putting a laboratory-rat daily through a very elaborate maze. Imagine that the rat must start each day along a new track, cross none of the points of intersection of the maze he crossed on any preceding day, and must, each day, return through the maze to the point from which he started that day. On those days the poor, tortured rat's choice of sequence does not permit him to return to the starting-point of the day' s excursion, "generously" allow the poor, tormented rat-man to regain his starting-point by inventing one imaginary syllogism which connects the blind-end of his sequence to the starting-point. At the end, let the rat-man run through a sequence based on those imaginary syllogisms' presumed consistency with the first day's starting-point; force poor rat-man to construct one additional imaginary set of syllogisms which create the logical appearance of infinite connectivity of all points of the imaginaries' sequences together with the real starting-point of the first day of the maze-torture exercise. Will the poor, brainwashed rat-man believe, or will he not believe, that the last of the imaginary set of syllogisms represents his discovery of the lawful principle of formal logic which provides total consistency to the entirety of the latticework? Subject an ordinary human being to a formal education in which he or she is steeped in the equivalent of Newtonian physics, under psychological pressures of a rat-maze setting of "rewards and punishments," and that poor victim will end up believing that the satanic experimenter is God himself, and that his own final set of imaginary syllogism is the fundamental law of the universe."

Aren't these "imaginary syllogisms" that connect anything to everything the essence of LaRouche's "conspiracy theories"?

Doesn't the life of this tortured rat sound like the poor life of an LC member stuck at some street corner?

Your question was: how can a bright guy like X end up at a card table shrine for over THREE DECADES????

That's where those 30+ years rat-men (and women) are...stuck mentally (and physically) in LaRouche's maze.