LaRouche's Mein Kampf for Mexico, Argentina, Paraguay, etc.

The Plot to Annihilate the Armed Forces and the Nations of Ibero-America (1994)

  • Front and back cover of The Plot. Note that the preface of the book was written by Argentine Col. Mohamed Ali Seineldin (whose picture on the back cover is ABOVE LaRouche's). Seineldin, who served in the Argentine military's "dirty war" in the 1970s, led two coup attempts against the nation's elected government after the fall of the military dictatorship, and was in prison when this book came out. Widely regarded as his country's leading neo-fascist, Seineldin served as an adviser to Panama's cocaine dictator, General Manuel Noriega, while LaRouche was also working for Noriega.

  • Seineldin's preface to The Plot. Says the Conquistadores "brought God's wonderful message of conversion and salvation" to the continent. Says they proposed "an order of human life" that would further salvation--and enforced it "[w]ith their sword, hard and true" (thus showing they were worthy heirs to the "political-military order of the Romans, the religious order of the Crusades," etc.). Claims the "history of the Ibero-American military is, in every case, the backbone of the lives of each and every one of our peoples." Calls for the realization of the Bolivarian dream of a united continent to fight back against the New World Order.

  • "The History of the Anti-Military Project," Chap. 1 of The Plot. "The time has come for Ibero-American patriots to report for battle...At stake is nothing less than the continued existence of the nation-state itself." If the "vile plot" is not stopped, "entire nations will disappear." Key to the plot is a "worldwide campaign to get international courts to annul the national amnesties already military personnel who participated in the anti-subversive campaigns of the seventies and eighties." Labels human rights groups a "pro-terrorist lobby." Tells military officers: "There is nowhere left to hide....The time has come to fight." Blames the U.S., saying that it's trying to "impose a 'pluralist democracy' on Ibero-America" and that those involved are motivated by "hatred" for the traditional Catholic church [this is an allusion to Jewish neoconservatives in Washington]. Says that U.S. policy in the region is "permeated" by the idea that "bestial, human-sacrificing pre-Christian cultures [the Amerindians of Central America, etc.--DK] are 'more democratic' than the Christian civilization that now dominates." Blames this idea on the Pentagon, but then does an 180 degree turn to praise Santeria-fan Manuel Noriega. Goes off on tirade against philosopher Theodor Adorno and his book The Authoritarian Personality; says Adorno's attacks on anti-Semitism were "driven by a violent hatred of Christianity." Praises the Dec. 3, 1990 military uprising in Argentine led by Col. Seineldin. Says the U.S. has especially targeted the "commando" units in Latin American armies (e.g., Seineldin's "feared carapintada movement") for destruction because such soldiers embody the heroic values of the nation. Returns to the theme of the "so-called 'Indian rights' movement," which supposedly operates "in virtually every nation in the region." Says this movement is "financed, directed, and promoted from abroad as a force explicitly deployed against the nation-state--by the international financial institutions themselves!"

  • "Argentina: Will the Armed Forces Be Finally 'De-Malvinized'?" Chap. 8 of The Plot. Says that the "Anglo-American establishment and their Argentine allies" are conspiring to root out "nationalism" from the Argentine military and to brainwash the military into become "an instrument of its historical British enemy." Says that references to changing the "cultural guidelines" of the military are code language for attacks on the "military's nationalist faction whose visible leader is Colonel Seineldin" (does not say who the invisible leader is supposed to be, but we can guess). Says one aim is to eliminate the "military institution's spiritual identification with the principle of nationhood or fatherland." Quotes Seineldin that the plotters would destroy the army's role "as protector of the 'highest interests of the nation.'" Opposes trials of military leaders for human rights violations. Opposes allowing torture victims to sue the Argentine military in U.S. courts. Criticizes the Argentine government's decision to halt development of the Condor II missile, which was being developed in collaboration with Saddam Hussein's Iraq. Says this is an example of the U.S. imposing "technological apartheid."

  • "El Salvador and Colombia: Negotiation with Narco-terrorism Leads to Disaster," Chap. 10 of The Plot. Calls peace negotiations and the peace process a "strategy of appeasement." Predicts that the end of the civil war in El Salvador will lead to a UN-sponsored takeover of the country by Marxist guerrillas. Accuses the UN of lying when it reported that most human rights violations in the country were perpetrated by the military. Foresees a Marxist takeover in Colombia as well. [Fourteen years later none of this has come to pass. El Salvador is at peace under a non-Marxist government; Colombia's guerrillas are still bottled up in their jungle hideout while the rest of the country shows steady progress. Basically, the authors of The Plot wanted to see a lot of blood spilled to fulfill LaRouche's sado-masochistic "mass-killing" fantasies (and these are the people who describe indigenous peoples in Central America as practitioners of human sacrifice???).--DK]

  • "Guatemala and Brazil: Indigenism Wielded to Impose Limited Sovereignty," Chap. 11 of The Plot to Annihilate the Armed Forces and the Nations of Ibero-America, EIR News Service, Inc., 1994. This book was finished prior to the Jan. 1994 Chiapas uprising and was widely circulated over the next few years among Mexican military officers. Chapter 11 is filled with artfully worded racist descriptions of indigenous peoples in Central America and the Amazon basin. Claims the Maya represent a "failed" civilization that was "saved" from the consequences of its failure by the arrival of the enlightened Conquistadores. Suggests (shades of Mein Kampf) that the ungrateful wretches are now plotting to stab the nation-states of the region in the back and dismember them. Says that some Mayan leaders today are also attempting to promote a "bestial concept of 'Indian religion.'" Calls Brazil's Yanomami reserve a "zoo," and expresses indignation that a British museum with the backing of the Human Genome Organization intends to preserve frozen samples of the tribe's gene pool. The key question is: Did this book help de-humanize indigenous people in the minds of Mexican military officers so they would be more inclined to look the other way while the Chiapas paramilitaries engaged in murders, rapes and massacres?

  • "The Positive Role of the Armed Forces," Resumen Ejecutivo interview with LaRouche, reprinted as Chap. 17 of the The Plot. LaRouche claims that although communism has collapsed in Russia, it is still dangerous in a new Latin American form. Cites Nobel peace prize winner Rigoberta Menchu of Guatemala. Says she's "a woman from hell," representing "Aztec fundamentalism," which is "Satan's mother's communism." Says there is "no aspect of a Nazi culture which was as evil as the Aztecs" (emphasis added). Claims that anyone who warns instead against the "authoritarian personality" (i.e. military rulers) is a "satanic communist" who aims to "eliminate reason." Says most of the atrocities in El Salvador and Guatemala were committed by the guerrillas, not the government armies, and that U.S. courts should not hear lawsuits by civilian victims against Latin American militaries. Says that the legimacy of governments flows not from the will of the people but from "natural law." E.g., "For a violation of natural law, you don't need a majority opinion....You have to enforce it." And: If you say "everything is just a matter of opinion, a matter of democracy, you deny the very idea of legitimacy." And: "The military is an instrument of legitimacy of the state" led by an officers' corps committed "to the defense and promotion of the best interests of the nation, not only in an ordinary military way, but in every way..."

  • "What Is Democracy?", 1991 interview with LaRouche in Brazilian newspaper, reprinted as Chap. 18 of The Plot. A slightly more restrained version of the ideas on government in Chap. 17. Says "democracy is not good. The idea that the simple will of a majority...ought to rule a nation, is the most dangerous and evil idea ever conceived." Warns against a "mass outpouring of voting." Says that we need, instead of a democracy, a "democratic republic" based on "natural law." Says that "majorities are not to be trusted, as history shows. You can't trust the majority of American citizens these day." (This is a reference apparently to the election of George Herbert Bush--the very candidate for whom the LaRouchians performed dirty tricks and whom they only turned against when he would not intervene to pardon LaRouche after the latter was sentenced to prison for loan fraud.) Says "we must have truly sovereign republics, and we must oppose all those who counterpose democracy the way Bush does, to democracy" (in other words, the U.S. should stop pressuring the militaries of Latin America to ease up on their traditional brutality).

  • "The Common Good vs. Democracy," Helga Zepp-LaRouche, speech at founding convention of the Movement of Ibero-American Solidarity (1992), reprinted as Chap. 19 of The Plot. Announces that "oligarchism [she means the Jews--DK] and all the institutions of the Versailles system have to be destroyed and replaced by institutions representing the interests of the human race." Says that "democracy has failed" because it has "no truth-seeking principle" and that the "world coalition" around Lyndon LaRouche's program "is rapidly growing."