Postings by ex-LaRouchians on FactNet's LaRouche message board, May-June 2007


"xlcr4life," Sunday, May 13, 02:00 AM

Lyn has a new spin now since we have shown his broken record briefings to the yutes.[1] Today the line is that he tells yutes that he is not predicting a crash but is trying to prevent it! There is nothing new to say here. All of us were pretty young when we joined and wised up later. Most people restarted their lives and have done incredible things. In the LC you are told over and over that no one is doing anything. You are alone, trying to save the planet from enemies who do not know they are enemies.

Debt has always been an issue in the developing world. Enroll in any third world study class in college in the 1960s and it was a big part of the curriculum. Lyn is the only one who declared a debt moratorium. He did it against the members and supporters by borrowing money and not paying it back.

Lyn declared a debt moratorium on PMR and see what happened there. Bono of U2 has been more successful in promoting debt relief and he only wants you to buy their records, shirts and concert tickets instead of joining a Bono cult.

I posted my "moral resume" here last year. As a free person I go to meet with my congressman, elected officials like the mayor and others, the previous governor and present governor of my state and discuss issues like child care, energy and health policy. This is not some big deal if you call up, make an appointment and discuss this with them in either their office or open meetings. No one is cutting off my mike and rolling their eyes when I speak. I do not litter their offices with cult-crazed fanzines and instead contribute to promoting bills and providing input on how it may affect families in their district.

Yes, things are better in many places where I choose to help, not hate.

If you want to see what 35 years of the LC and worshipping Lyn will get you, take a look at this video:

After the intro you will see the LA office NC named Phil Rubinstein give a briefing to a few people in a shabby office just like the one I entered three decades ago with mismatched chairs and a stink in it. This particular NC is notorious for doing anything Lyn demands when it comes to sacrificing members to feed a Club Ibykus party. The temper on his part is probably justifiable to a degree. I think he dropped out of John Hopkins at age 17 to join the LC. He was brilliant enough to be considered for a rabbinical education, but not smart enough to recognize that he was selling copies of the Dope Inc. book with The Protocols of The Elders of Zion as a chapter. He saw all of his Jewish friends leave in disgust when Lyn and Security were circulating the infamous "Jew Jokes" in the LC. He accepted Lyn as his saviour when Lyn began issuing his Holocaust gospels in New Solidarity in the late 1970s.

Each briefing you hear on the LYM web site starts off with how we are building a movement. After 35 years he has seen almost everyone he knows drop out or die and still fears facing the fact that all his posturing and chair throwing don't mean a thing. He can read in the briefing a few days ago where Lyn says LA is a problem....Based on the track record of Lyn, the boomer pogrom is heading West.

"charltonrom," Thursday, May 31, 2007, 01:38 AM

I would propose that what Lyn needs is:

a. New blood, without a lot of health problems such as are likely to visit the Boomer members.

b. Reasonably independent youth blood, full of vitality, bright but not too bright.

Collegiates and dropouts fill the bill nicely. Younger than that = too many parental issues. Collegiate age is good, vital, and educable in doctrine, plus getting some perks like no real job, bohemian type existence, some travel, getting to maybe schmooze around Capitol Hill; all this makes for generally pliable acolytes. It's true the stipends are miserable but maybe it beats an 8 to 5; and one can always point to the Great Financial Collapse of '05, er I mean '06, er I mean....

"charltonrom," Thursday, May 31, 01:46 AM

'07 is the new target year for the Big One: the financial apocalypse and systemic breakdown that will lead to the genocidal outcome so avidly desired by the planet oligarchic class.

Having the yutes surely validates Lyn's megalomania too. He's ensnared a brood of yutes of varying background. Defining the features of this particular cultic apparatus is my agenda.

"eaglebeak," Thursday, May 31, 11:25 AM

My particular agenda is to get the Ken Kronberg story out; I think this will lead to exposure that could be a huge problem for LaRouche.

On the youth, there are a couple of considerations that indicate how LaRouche has perfected his technique.

When I and my age cohort joined, we were either college grads or in college or perhaps in grad school. We held jobs. In other words, we were independent, or could form an independent thought, and had to test those thoughts and our performance at work and/or in school.

We supported ourselves. We were able to buy clothes and food and books, and pay rent.

We were THE SAME AGE then, when we were doing all these "grown-up" things, that the yutes are today.

Now, this eroded over time, particularly in [the] regions, where people's rent and medical bills, etc., began to be paid for them, so that they were infantilized and rendered dependent. When I was a member, however, we called this becoming lumpenized--that is, some part of us still recognized that it was a Bad Thing to live six to an apartment, eat all our meals together, live off what we made at field deployments, etc., share our cars (and have them destroyed in the field).

Today, what we used to criticize as lumpenization is held up as the ultimate politico-monastic existence.

That is the crux of the operation: Keeping the LYMers in communalist dorms, feeding them from communalist pots, paying all their bills for them, imprisons them psychologically and financially. They are absorbed into The Family.

The vestiges of independence that we older people retained is one reason LaRouche hates the Baby Boomers and their immediate successors so much. For those older members, no matter what LaRouche does, he can't impress them the way he can impress the LYM.

Also note that a couple of years [ago] LaRouche stopped the process of National Conferences in the U.S.--conferences attended by the old members as well as the young. Now in their place they hold LYM retreats, off in the mountains someplace in isolation.

There are NO conferences for older members--where someone might get up and say what he or she thought. And now the old members are taught by the LYM--very rarely is the LYM taught by old members. There are just a handful of old members "cleared" to teach--Jeff Steinberg, Harley Schlanger, Phil Rubenstein, Bruce Director, Michelle Steinberg, come to mind.

"charltonrom," Thursday, May 31, 02:21 PM

Yes, the boomers in the organization are now in effect part of the Enemy class. There are three generational classes in Lyn's system, namely the "youth," including up to around age 30; the "Tweeners," of dubious virtue; and the dreaded "Boomers," who exemplify the most vile character features of any human grouping ever. It got to the point where exposure between the three classes was moving in the direction of being rationed. Never mind that the youth stipends such as they are, are paid by phone-team tortured slogging. Lyn alternates his description of boomers, from pitiable wretches to be saved, to fully wretched cowards and vile Agents even; older members who've dedicated their lives to Lyn, are said to be laboring to undermine him. "You are all treating Lyn like ****!" I remember being told, as we worked and reworked the spreadsheets and card boxes.

"charltonrom." Thursday, May 31, 02:26 PM

Actually as I recall Lyn has stretched out his approved class. It's now the 18-35 year olds who embody the revolutionary vanguard. This is the approved-replacement demographic, to swap into position as the boomers drop off or croak out.

"eaglebeak," Friday, June 01, 11:47 AM

The discussion of the demonization of the Baby Boomers and the creation of various classes inside the organization in Charltonrom's post raises a very interesting aspect of the way LaRouche runs things.

That is the phenomenon of the Enemy Within. There is always an Enemy Within, who is invariably tied to whoever the Enemy Without happens to be (BTW, I am indebted for this insight to a conversation I had with Ken Kronberg several years ago).

Thus, if the Enemy Within is right-wing Catholic spy and agent Fernando Quijano [2], the Enemy Without will be international Synarchism/clerical fascism. They are always tied together, so that LaRouche can mobilize all the fear and hatred the members feel against the Enemy Without to use it against the Enemy Within--and vice versa.

That way, as people inside the org are demonized, the LaRouche armies can feel virtuous and self-righteous in driving out their former close friends as Agents of an Enemy Power.

And that is no doubt what is going on now, with Baby Boomers at each other's throats, and Baby Boomers attacking Baby Boomers as the most immoral, slothful, impotent, vile x-y-z.

From what I hear, the Baby Boomers in the office in Leesburg are being pushed out, while the LYMers are running [things] more and more.

The main thing LaRouche needs the oldsters for is the phone fundraising, because the LYMers can't possibly raise any money wandering around on the streets mumbling about Gauss's determination of the orbit of Ceres.

Without the old folks raising the $$ for the yutes' lumpen lifestyle, LaRouche's current crazy model for the organization couldn't work.

Meanwhile, on the Enemy Within/Without theme, look back at the Gus business--he was supposedly a Bulgarian (or Greek) Communist agent, remember? [3]

Or Carol and Chris--Lyn hated them, wanted to destroy them, and came up with the outrageous 1974 brainwashing business, which almost did destroy them. Somehow, LaRouche managed to sell the idea that C&C were agents of some Dark Force that wanted to kill him. All they really wanted to do was get away from him, I think--speaking as one who knew them pretty well in those days.[4]

What was done to them was monstrous. What was done to Quijano, ditto. Then there was the assault on Uwe Friesecke and the European leadership, where the lead issue was plainly that Friesecke wouldn't fund the German LYM, but the deeper issue was LaRouche's need to destroy everyone around him, one by one. (Also, since Friesecke was Helga's former lover, that made a doubly sweet revenge for LaRouche.)

And Ed Spannaus? A few months before he cashiered Ed from the NEC, LaRouche accused him of being an Enemy of Helga's.

Lastly, Ken Kronberg--LaRouche analogized Ken to some petty, venal businessman who wanted to make money and therefore pooh-poohed LaRouche's insane obsession with the 1929 Depression. Of course, if Kronberg had wanted to make money, he never would have done any of the things he did.

LaRouche's reported freakout when Kronberg killed himself--after a year or two of LaRouche's attacks--may be the result of his figuring out that even the dumbest (older) members will know those attacks on Kronberg and PMR were lies, perhaps mostly based on LaRouche's desire to put some distance between himself and PMR before it crashed--and of course, as all ex-members know, LaRouche cannot take the blame or the responsibility for ANYTHING. So if PMR was gonna crash because the LaRouche org never paid for any of its printing, then you just KNOW that LaRouche would have to start attacking PMR to cover his own role in this.

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Notes by Dennis King:

[1] "Yutes" means current members of the LaRouche Youth Movement, the rising force in LaRouche's international organization. "Boomers" means the old-timers, people who joined LaRouche in the 1960s and 1970s, and have spent their entire adult lives in his organization.

[2] A high-level LaRouche operative expelled several years ago and denounced for a vast ranges of imaginary misdeeds.

[3] Reference is to Gus Kalimtgis, LaRouche's top aide in the 1970s who was expelled circa 1981 after he protested the looting of LC business entities. There are eerie similarities between LaRouche's turning on Kalimtgis over money issues and LaRouche's recent treatment of the German boomers and Ken Kronberg..

[4] Reference is to Carol and Chris White. Carol was LaRouche's former partner who left him for Chris, a much younger man. LaRouche subsequently charged--in speeches and articles that vibrate with repressed homosexuality--that Chris had been brainwashed by sinister international forces and turned into a "Manchurian candidate" assassin who would attempt to kill LaRouche on the utterance of a trigger word by a control officer. See "The Great Manchurian Candidate Scare," Chapter Four, in Lyndon LaRouche and the New American Fascism