LaRouche's Mein Kampf for Latin American military nationalists. Summaries (and links to the PDF files) of selected chapters from The Plot to Annihilate the Armed Forces and the Nations of Ibero-America (English language edition of El complot para aniquilar a las Fuerzas Armadas y las nationes de Iberoamerica), published by LaRouche's EIR in 1994. This tract, which rails against "international userers," glorifies military human rights abusers and refers to tribal reserves in the Amazon as a "human zoo," was widely circulated among officers throughout Latin America and was even taught in military academies.
Joint Forces Quarterly review (1996) of The Plot. U.S. Naval Intelligence analyst confirms the book had many fans among Latin American officers and was even required reading at some regional military colleges. He then proceeds to wittily dissect several of the book's absurdities.
Miami Herald article (1992) explains the economic roots of Latin American military discontent: less money and fewer post-retirement patronage jobs. Claims that U.S. officials regarded LaRouche's theory of a plot to destroy the region's armed forces as a "hoax."
"Spectre of LaRouche haunts Britain's anti-military plot" (EIR, 1997). Brazilian Admiral Sergio Tasso Vasquez de Aquino (Ret.) defended LaRouche's conspiracy theories before a "select audience" of Argentine military officers (1997), according to EIR. The LaRouche magazine quotes him as saying, in concluding the conference: "After Good Friday, with all certainty we will have Resurrection Sunday in our countries." The audience of death-squad thugs and coup d'etat addicts supposedly gave him "a lengthy, rousing, standing ovation." [Sounds like the event in Huntsville, Ala. where LaRouche aide Marsha Freeman presented Lyn's defense of war criminal Arthur Rudolph before a crowd of former Nazi V-2 scientists.--DK]
Taking LaRouchism to the barracks in Paraguay (1994). According to EIR, LaRouche operative Dennis Small met with officers at the First Army Corps headquarters in Asuncion (1994).